Well, we meet again. Clearly my last blogging experience didn't last long. ooops. Kind of funny, I religiously kept a diary/journal all throughout high school & two years into college (reminds me: probably need to burn those...) yet, so hard to keep up with this.
Its a new year. 2013. I don't know what has given me such a kick in the butt, but I have been oddly motivated. Well, I have a couple of ideas:
1. I'm going to be 28 this year (?!). Which makes me almost 30. Not sure how I feel about that, but figured I needed to get it together before then.
2. Over the past year and two-thirds, I came to really understand how fragile life is. (first time, when my "textbook pregnancy" turned into an emergency situation- hearing "the baby's heart rate is too low" and "c-sections are pretty standard, but just in case..." (*talk about finding religion again.) and the second and more recent time, the loss of my {who should have been future} sister-in-law, at 23 years old {with the world in the palm of her hand} in a tragic single car accident hours before she was scheduled to come visit for the holidays).
So I'm not much for New Year's Resolutions, but apparently I seem to be giving them a try this time around...although I'm not sure I would necessarily categorize them as resolutions, as they are just things I want to do before I turn 30.
I recently read somewhere that making lists makes you more successful in goal planning, here goes nothing (& in no particular order):
- turn my blog into a business
- start an etsy shop
- RUN. (ultimate goal: 1/2 Marathon in October 2013! but running a warm up 8K in June!)
- save $. (using the "52 week money challenge")
- cook more, eat out less
- really learn all the ins and outs of my Canon Rebel DSLR
- apply for GRAD school (still on the fence on this one, just putting it out there anyway)
- get this house together & organized...for real.