Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Crafty Mom: melted crayon art!

I wanted to make some art for the littles playroom.

This one was a lot of fun to do & didn't cost much.

I got these adorable "Very Hungry Caterpillar" Themed crayons out of the dollar section at Target.
Then I picked up a stapled canvas at Michael's (on sale- it was only a couple of dollars)
I already had a hot glue gun at home (or ok, I might have swiped it from my parents house...)
Old newspaper
Hair dryer

hot glue the crayons to the top of your canvas in whatever order you want them in
set out newspaper on the floor
set out canvas with attached crayons on top of the newspaper
turn on hair dryer & point it at the crayons
watch the crayons melt!